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About Us

Woman in t-shirt with Prehost logo is a project launched in 2024 aimed at helping you choose the best hosting services. With regular, monthly analyses of the latest data from real users (over 17 million of the most popular websites worldwide) and technical parameters, we present benchmarks of popular web hosting services.

Our Mission

Our priority is reliability, honesty, and transparency. We focus on technical data and measurable parameters to help you pick the hosting that best meets your specific needs, not just the one with the best marketing.


At, we analyze the performance and speed of web hosting based on real-world data. We use the TTFB (Time To First Byte) metric, which measures the time from sending a request to a server to receiving the first byte of data. This data comes from the Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX), an official Google dataset. We present TTFB results as average values for sites hosted by different companies. All this data is updated monthly.

Details can be found in the Methodology tab.


The project is led by:

Mateusz Mazurek Mateusz Mazurek – Online Entrepreneur. Solopreneur. Publisher and author of blogs. A demanding customer of dozens of web hosting services for over 16 years. Creator of .dotisto – a blazing fast domain search and the largest website about web hosting in Poland.


Visit the Press page to download the logo and press materials. If you have any questions, please contact us.